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Cheshire firms gaining access to improve broadband
Improved broadband services are being rolled out as part of the ongoing Connecting Cheshire Superfast Business Programme.

Bdaily reports the Connecting Cheshire Superfast Business Programme has now helped in the delivery of improved connectivity for more than 600 businesses in the area.
Of these firms, 285 have revealed a gross value uplift of £10,000 or more since receiving access to the latest superfast networks, as well as through a range of free workshops put on by the Connecting Cheshire business advisory team.
These events offer insights into areas including digital marketing, ranging from maximising social media for business, to helping companies measure their online success.
Local business owner Kirsty James said: "[Connecting Cheshire] even gave a free digital workshop at my business networking event and ran extra workshops for my members to assist them with their own digital plans."
The project is being funded through the European Regional Development Fund and aims to roll out superfast broadband to more than 80,000 premises across the county in the coming years.