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Home broadband named innovation of the decade
A survey of consumers ranked home broadband above online shopping and Google.

The study of more than 2,000 consumers, carried out by innovation and growth consultancy The Foundation, ranked household broadband lines as the development that has had the biggest contribution on daily life over the past ten years.
From a possible score of 300, the technology achieved 192 points - more than double the amount received by the second most popular creation, online shopping.
Google was named in third place, with the top five rounded off by chip and pin payments and digital photography.
Charlie Dawson, partner at The Foundation, said: "Home broadband was the winner, perhaps surprising if you thought innovation was all about shiny new gadgets.
"It's a reminder of how useful broadband has become."
Last year, a poll conducted by Sky News claimed people would rather make savings on their food shopping than give up access to broadband.