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Superfast Broadband Fund launched for SMEs
A new superfast broadband fund has been launched to benefit SMEs throughout the UK.

The scheme is being supported by Creative England - a project which supports digital innovation - along with onlincolnshire. The latter is led by Lincolnshire County Council and one of its main aims is to ensure all homes and businesses in the county can access sufficient broadband speeds.
This new Superfast Broadband Fund will have £150,000 invested in it overall, which will be delivered in instalments of up to £25,000.
Its main aim is to improve connectivity and communications between businesses throughout the UK, while encouraging innovation and creativity.
Therefore, businesses are being asked to apply for funding by putting forward ideas for new websites or apps.
Director of Business Development at Creative England Jim Farmery commented: "At Creative England we are passionate about helping our creative industries thrive and creating economic growth in the regions.
"The Superfast Broadband Fund aims to give cross sector support to SMEs across England and provide investment to those with innovative creative potential."