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Cornwall's BT broadband rollout 93 per cent complete
Some 93 per cent of Cornish homes and businesses can now access superfast broadband thanks to BT.
Speaking to V3, Director of the Cornwall Superfast Broadband Programme at BT Ranulf Scarborough said: "We are inching towards our target and we are getting huge amounts of people connected, with 53 service providers offering services, so take-up is racing away."
Altogether, some 235,000 properties in the county can now connect to better broadband, with the overall target set for 253,000.
Around 56,000 to 57,000 have already signed up to the superfast service, reaping its many benefits.
Of these, between 6,500 and 7,000 are businesses, potentially meaning their ability to compete in the market is being enhanced by the arrival of fibre broadband.
Mr Scarborough explained that while the connectivity initiative is now in its final stages, some of the remaining areas to gain access to the fibre network are in remote locations, meaning delivery to these locations may bring challenges.