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Virgin Media set to showcase 'groundbreaking' broadband speeds
Ultrafast new broadband service from Virgin set to excite the crowds at the Ideal Home Show, which opens this weekend.

The new broadband technology - which is said to be capable of speeds of up to 200Mbps will be demonstrated at the Ideal Home Show.
Virgin's ultrafast service has been on trial at Ashford in Kent since last summer and enables users to download high-definition films in a matter of a few minutes.
"Ultrafast broadband, like our 200Mb service, will enable a whole household to enjoy cutting-edge entertainment, not just via computers, but through an array of gadgets all over the home," said Ashley Stockwell, executive director for brand and marketing at Virgin Media.
The Ideal Home Show begins tomorrow (March 20th) at Earls Court in London and will run until April 5th, giving visitors plenty of time to see for themselves the latest in broadband technology.
Standard weekday adult tickets start at £10 when purchased in advance.