Will Virgin Media bring superfast broadband to the Worth Valley?

Tuesday, June 17th 2014
Virgin Media is looking into the possibility of bringing superfast broadband to the Worth Valley.
Will Virgin Media bring superfast broadband to the Worth Valley?
Network provider Virgin Media is considering the possibility of taking on the task of delivering superfast fibre broadband to parts of the Worth Valley that are not currently covered by other rollout programmes.

Campaign group Fibre Valley has been trying to attract the attention of authorities and network providers to bring the high-speed technology to the area for some time, with little success.

However, the Telegraph and Argus reports that Ashley Scott of Virgin Media has said: "We will take a look at what we can do for homes in the Worth Valley area and will update everyone over the coming weeks."

Fibre Valley members have welcomed this news and are hopeful for better broadband connectivity in the future, while the three local councillors for the Worth Valley have also supported Virgin Media's promise of looking into the issue.

Spokesman of the campaign group Ken Eastwood explained there was a possibility Stanbury could gain a connection to the superfast service, but that the network provider would first be providing a quote for consideration.

Currently, many homes and businesses based in the area experience extremely slow internet loading speeds, which has led to widespread frustrations.

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